Recipe for 4 servings of crème brûlée
Preparation time: 20 minutes + 1 hour to cool
Ingredients :
2 yellow lemons / 100 g of whole liquid cream / 30 g of sugar / 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract / 1 tsp of Black Gold / 1/2 tbsp of cornstarch / brown sugar
- In a saucepan, pour the cream, the sugar, the zest of two lemons and the Black Gold.
- Add the juice of one lemon, vanilla and cornstarch.
- Mix using a spatula, taking care not to create bubbles.
- Pour into crème brûlée pots and refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours.
- Sprinkle with sugar and use the blowtorch to burn it.
The Maison Boteh Ingredient: Black Gold